Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dear Bobby,

I heard that you started smoking a while ago. I can understand why you did it, but if you keep doing so, you'll just hurt yourself and those near you. 
You are only twelve years old. Because of this, you can become addicted to cigarettes extremely fast. Adults- people over the age of 18- become addicted over several months, or even one or two years. However, people your age become addicted much more quickly. Even a few cigarettes are enough to make this happen. I don't know why this happens, but the immune system of young teens is not very strong. 
Now, I know that people your age don't smoke very much. There is no reason for you to smoke; there aren't so many people who smoke. Okay, so there's a fair chance that some of the boys in your class smoke. But whatever, who really cares about them? So what if they're like the big bosses of the class? They probably won't end up in the best futures.
Bobby, if you start smoking now, you'll end up wasting time that could've been spent playing video games or sports with your friends. Instead, you'll spend that time thinking of ways to make money, so that you can buy more cigarettes. You might say, oh, I'll get a job to pay it off. But you're only twelve. You don't know how cigarettes can drive people to desperate measures. My best friend Billy is in juvie camp at this very second because he was apprehended while stealing cigarettes. 
And when you're a grown man, unable to control the addiction you've had since you were a child? Then you will see the effect it has. Not only on your own health, which will deteriorate with every cigarette you smoke, but also the health of your wife and children, who breathe the same air as you.
Please, Bobby. For the sake of your own life, but also the lives of your family and friends, make the right choice now. save your loved ones untold suffering. Give up cigarettes. 


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